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AssaultWOD: AssaultRower Stamina
Challenge yourself to this AssaultRower Stamina WOD. 7 rounds of: 1-minute AssaultRower for Cal...
Assault WOD: AssaultRower Power
Challenge yourself to this AssaultRower Power WOD: 4 rounds of: :15 second AssaultRower Sprint ...
Assault WOD: AssaultRower Endurance
Challenge yourself to this AssaultRower Endurance WOD. 30 minute AssaultRower for Distance At ev...
Assault WOD: AssaultRower Stamina
Challenge yourself to this AssaultRower Stamina WOD. 4 Rounds: 1 Minute Max Calorie on the Assa...
Assault WOD: AssaultRower Power
Challenge yourself to this AssaultRower Power WOD. 10 rounds of: 15 Seconds of Max Push-Ups Res...
Tuesday Tip: Proper Form on the AirRower
This Weeks Tip: Learn the proper form while using the Assault AirRower. And don't forget to fol...
Tuesday Tip: AirRower Set-Up Tips
This Weeks Tip: Learn how to get correctly setup to use the Assault AirRower. And don't forget ...
AirRower: Unboxing and Assembly
Learn the proper procedures to unpack and assemble the Assault AirRower, including step-by-step ...
AirRower: Overview
A general understanding of the Assault AirRower: how it works, basic functions, and the effects ...