The intention of this post is not to understate the importance of exercise. I’m sure we all understand the value of a sound strength and conditioning regimen. The purpose of this post is to get you to focus on a broader picture of health and performance and embrace the smaller, often overlooked details.
You don’t need to be a superstar to get results, you just have to become a better technician and that’s not limited to lifting and cardiovascular exercise. It’s the little things done consistently over a period of a lifetime. A fully-integrated approach taking into account all aspects of training in addition to using your
Assault AirBike yields the best results.
Here are some ideas:
1) Sleep
Adequate sleep is essential. 7-9 hours of sleep for is optimal for performance. The human body produces Human Growth Hormone (HGH) exclusively during sleep. HGH aids in the body’s process of repairing and building muscle tissue.
The quality of sleep is also very important. Two factors to consider: The sleep hours prior to 12am are
twice as important as the hours that precede midnight, so get to bed early. The other variable has to do with the body’s ability to produce HGH uninterrupted. The Insulin hormone blocks the production of HGH so avoid eating within 3 hours prior to falling to sleep, and in the event you do eat late, avoid consuming foods that contain sugar and starch as they will elevate blood sugar levels leading to a spike in insulin production
2) H2O
Drink plenty of water for optimum health and efficient bodily function. The average person should drink .66oz per 1lb body weight or 2.0 liters per day. Athletic/active individuals will require more. Hydration is also affected by weather conditions. Studies show that slight dehydration in an athlete can diminish performance by as much as 40%. Many athletes and coaches fail to realize fatigue, headaches, and lack of focus are often directly related to dehydration.
Dehydration also makes athletes more susceptible to concussions, stress injuries, and heat exhaustion. Proper hydration positively affects the digestive, immune, and lymphatic systems. Water consumption is a valuable component to treating anxiety and depression. Drinking water curbs appetite, promotes the metabolic process and activates the body (energy). From a hygienic perspective, water reduces body odor, bad breath and can clear your complexion as it hydrates the skin (our largest organ).
You do the math! Our muscles are made up 78% water, so it’s important to support their proper function.
3) Keep a Food Log
Studies show that keeping track of what you consume is as significant as your actual food choices. First and foremost, there’s a record that brings measurable accountability. There’s also something to be said about sound judgment and making better decisions when you put things in writing.
At the end of the day, you have a point of reference that you can tie directly to you performance peaks and valleys. So get in a habit of documenting your energy input then up your “nutrient game”.
Posted by Amanda Scott on