Every time you step into the gym, before you exit the gym, or before you put a final stamp on that masterpiece of a workout, there are three variables you must consider: Did I press anything? Did I pull anything? Did I squat anything? If the answer to any of those three questions is “no,” your workout is an incomplete body of work!
I give my athletes the same advice I follow in regards to training. There are many different programs, philosophies and agendas. When applied, most of these efforts simply miss the mark. My approach focuses on reducing the variables, creating the shortest distance to positive results, and must be user friendly. The basic principles of Press Pull Squat are predicated on simplicity, efficiency and practicality. I squat heavy loads to depth, I pull loads fast and violently from the ground, and I press loads to the ceiling. That’s also why I strongly recommend training on the Assault AirBike, as it involves elements of all three movement patterns.
My favorite press movements: bench press, push-ups, handstand push-ups, push press, thrusters, and split jerk
My favorite pull movements: pull-ups, power cleans, bent over rows, rowing machine, sumo-deadlift hi-pull, muscle-ups, and hang snatches
My favorite squat exercises: air squats, front squats, back squats, overhead squats, deadlifts, squat cleans, and squat snatches
Sample workout 1: CrossFit Inspired “Chelsea”
Perform 15 air squats, 10 push-ups, 5 pull-ups every minute on the minute for 30 minutes.
Sample workout 2: CrossFit Inspired “Linda”
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
Deadlift = 1.5 BW
Bench Press = 1.0 BW
Power Clean = .75 BW
Sample workout 3: AMRAP15 (as many rounds/reps as possible in 15 minutes)
5 Bar muscle ups
10 overhead squats #135/95
15 Push press #135/95
Posted by Amanda Scott on